Armodafinil is a medicinal substance that is classified as an antinarcoleptic medication, wakefulness-promoting drug, and brain stimulant. The substance is available under numerous names including Artvigil. Different names are explained by the possibility of different pharmaceutical companies to produce the same medication but under different names.
What for Armodafinil is prescribed?
When the medication was developed, it was aimed at the management of sluggishness and sleepiness attacks in people with narcolepsy. It was the first diagnosis for which the medication is approved. Later, it was also approved for obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. In many countries other uses are also approved or being considered for approval. They include: chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, depression, ADHD, and others.
Currently, in the U.S., UK, and other countries with strict medication regulations you can buy Artvigil only if you have a valid prescription from your doctor. But you can alternatively look for the medication at online drugstores that operate from other countries. For instance, you can opt for RxShopMD and enjoy a low price plus international delivery of high quality generic drugs.
When can be Armodafinil used off-label?
Off-label uses mean all other uses of the medication besides the ones indicated in the official instruction/package insert. The medication is popular not only for beating up sluggishness in depression, and improvement of focus in ADHD, but also in healthy individuals who do not have any wakefulness problems except for when they do not get enough night sleep.
It is safe to use the drug for this purpose because it is basically approved for this since shift work sleep disorder is nothing more than the lack of normal sleep in accordance with the circadian rhythm of the body.
Besides, you can buy generic Artvigil and use it not only to cope with sleepiness but also improve your brain functions that can be lowered if you don’t get enough night sleep such as memory, concentration on a task, thinking speed, attention to details, productivity in general, and even motivation.
The medication is proven to be effective cognitive function enhancer with minimum effect on the body at whole – it doesn’t cause dependence or an imbalance of the chemicals in the brain.