When you decide to launch a website and start looking for web hosting services, you are met with numerous options. If you want a server dedicated to your site, then you can opt for a Dedicated Hosting plan. However, this is costly and is usually preferred by sites that need the power of an entire server. Most sites opt for some element of sharing and have many options like Shared Web Hosting, Cloud Hosting, VPS Hosting, etc. You can also choose between Windows and Linux web hosting based on your site’s needs.
There are various elements of your site that you need to consider before finalizing a hosting service. One such important element is the type of web page you plan to design – static or dynamic.
Today, we are going to talk about the difference between these two types of web pages to help you choose the right hosting plan.
What are Static and Dynamic Pages?
A static web page is a simple page that has fixed components and the content and layout remain the same for all users.
On the other hand, on a dynamic web page, site content is different for each visitor.
Difference between a Static and Dynamic Web Page
Static Web Page | Dynamic Web Page |
All visitors view the same information on the web page. The content does not change unless you change it manually. | Every visitor can view different information on the web page based on the parameters set by you. The content changes dynamically as per the user’s browsing details. |
These pages are easy to create and manage. | Dynamic pages are complex and require a good understanding of the coding language for creation and management. |
Since the content is sent from the server to the user without any additional processing, the loading time of a static page is usually lesser than a dynamic page. | The server has to process the details of each user and collate content before sending it across. This takes time and hence the loading time of the page increases. |
Static pages do not use databases. | Most dynamic pages use a database to create unique pages. |
The most commonly used programming languages for static pages are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. | The most commonly used programming languages for dynamic pages are ASP, ASP.NET, CGI, AJAX, etc. |
Since the content is fixed, a static web page does not need any application program. | Most dynamic pages use application programs for different services. |
The hosting requirements of a static page and a dynamic page are different. Therefore, it is important to keep this in mind before buying. A Shared Hosting Linux server is preferred by most site owners since it helps boost the page loading time of a dynamic website and delivers fast-loading static sites too.
Summing Up
Choosing between a static and dynamic site depends upon a lot of factors like the services you intend to offer online, competitive websites, the site experience you want to deliver, etc. However, it is important to remember that a dynamic site requires more processing and needs a hosting service that accommodates it and ensures optimum site speed and performance. Keep these points in mind when buying the web hosting plan for your website. Good Luck!