What is Athena EMR? How much does EMR cost? It’s a relatively new medical delivery system that’s been used in the U.S. for several years. In a nutshell, EMR describes electronic medical billing software.
In case you’re curious about how exactly EMR works, it’s quite straightforward. Doctors can upload a patient portal online. When a patient uses this portal at a participating practice, doctors can access all the necessary information concerning the patient – from demographics to prescriptions – and all the information regarding that patient’s primary care physician. The portal enables practices to manage all these aspects using a single interface. This is how Athena EMR works: by utilizing an “Athena EHR” – which stands for “Athena patient portal” – practices can create a single interface that allows them to manage all aspects of their patient’s care. Think of it as a single medical patient record for every patient – complete with vital signs and detailed medical history.
Practicing health care providers interested in using Athena EMR must first complete a brief five-hour training course offered by Athena clinics or Athena EMR vendors. Then they must apply for a vendor license. The applicant then needs to take a second exam, which covers the technical knowledge about the way Athena EHR works. Once the applicant completes his training and passes his second exam, he becomes a licensed EHR vendor. Then he’s free to start billing patients electronically using his system without having to worry about complying with healthcare billing regulations.
Athena’s billing software is HIPAA compliant to collect and report patient confidential information in the secure environment of an Athena EMR system. A practice’s electronic health records are linked to Medicare, Medicaid, and other public health care programs through this software. Thus, Athena EHR helps to extend patient access to quality healthcare. When a practice implements Athena EMR software, they can trace all its e-mail communications, and client records are automatically backed up and stored in secure offline servers.
Athena’s web-based interface makes it easy for practitioners and facilities to track all of a patient’s records at one time. T It provides a single point of access from which to communicate with various payers and vendors. Athena’s hosted data service platform helps reduce the need for PBX systems and the associated server management costs while providing a highly scalable option for handling health record transactions. Through Athena’s hosted data service plans, providers enjoy cost savings and a solid IT-managed backup infrastructure that reduces the risk of data losses. Additionally, it is a cost-effective option for maintaining compliance with HIPAA regulations.
Practices that implement than one also enjoy the opportunity to tap into the revenue generated by Athena’s cloud-based real-time physician order entry system (RPE). Through this service, practices can receive virtual reimbursements for office visits and procedures performed. RPE guarantees that a practitioner’s patients will have timely access to medical advice. This revenue stream is generated through the subscription of an optional Athena EMR suite.
The hosted and on-premise Athena EPMS support secure remote health records, flexible access control, and multi-tiered access control over electronic medical records (EMR). Athena’s cloud-based EHR software provides improved audit trails and compliance verification and improved productivity while reducing operational expenses. Athena’s cloud e-health offers a significant number of additional benefits, including:
To optimize the performance of their on-premise and hosted solutions, physicians should consider using Athena’s Clinical Information Management System software (CIMS) and the Atlas system. Both are available for purchase and can be used to manage a wide variety of EMRs. Athena’s CIMS delivers a full range of features, including patient ledgers, appointment reminders, medical case summaries, detailed information about each patient’s medications, and comprehensive information about Athena’s health plans. The Atlas system, which integrates directly with Athena’s CIMS, is designed for doctors to view complete and accurate data about their patients, including demographics, past and current health status, vital signs, laboratory results, and hospitalizations.